Dr. S M Yuen (Aesthetic Doctor)
958 Capital FM 城市频道 ‘早班新发现 – Interviewed two local Singaporean doctors : Dr S M Yuen (Aesthetic Doctor) and Dr Cai Jun Ren (Beauty Surgeon) on the topic of ‘Medical Aesthetics’.
958 Capital FM 城市频道 ‘早班新发现 – Interviewed two local Singaporean doctors : Dr S M Yuen (Aesthetic Doctor) and Dr Cai Jun Ren (Beauty Surgeon) on the topic of ‘Medical Aesthetics’.
Join Dr. SM Yuen and the awesome DJs Maddy, Jason and Arnold on their morning show on KISS92FM as they talk about non-invasive fat reduction treatment with Exilis technology (Combination of Radio Frequency & Ultra Sound).
938 Live ‘Body & Soul’ – Medical Aesthetic in Singapore, why do people choose to go for medical aesthetic nowadays? Dr. SM Yuen shares the common problems that local Singaporeans face.
– Join Dr. SM Yuen and the awesome DJs Maddy, Jason and Arnold on their morning show on KISS92FM as they talk about Medical Aesthetics in Singapore today. Dr. Yuen shares his philosophies, beliefs and knowledge in this exciting and developing field of medicine.
‘Gets You Talking’ – Dr. Yuen speaks with Ms Bharita from FM 938 on
non-invasive aesthetic dermatology and cosmetic enhancement. He shares his approach and
practice styles on this interesting and thought-provoking topic that is becoming an exciting
field in modern day medicine.